Tuesday, July 17, 2012

You have to start somewhere...

I am not a journaler because I get to busy to remember to write... I am not a blogger because I have just never really felt that I had anything important to share... but as I read an article in July/August 2012 edition of LDS living I was absolutely inspired by the article, "Sharing Her Hope," If Stephen Nielson can overcome her challenges and share her message, then I really had no excuse.  So I said to myself- you have to start somewhere...

As a young child I always knew that I wanted nothing more than to be a mommy and a teacher, now at 37 as a mommy of three beautiful children and a teacher I am happy.  I think back and chuckle a little bit at the pieces of my dream that were definitely missing.  Like the huge debt that I would in incur to finish my degree, or how hard it can be to be a wife and a mother while working a full time job, but mostly I realize that I had forgotten God.

Growing up I was raised in a Catholic family, but for me church was just something you did and I really made no connection between myself and the blessings of my Heavenly Father's Plan. Luckily for me I took a World Religions course in high school that peaked my interest and opened up my eyes to the idea of organized religion and faith in general.  At that point I knew that I needed to find my purpose in life and that I couldn't do it on my own, that nothing in my life was possible without my Heavenly Father. Today I am the happiest I have ever been  because I have found my place and purpose. Don't get me wrong my life isn't easy, as a matter of a fact it is the complete opposite, but I know that I can handle it because I have the love and support of my Heavenly Father.

I must admit that I never imagined being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints would be the answer to my prayers. Of all churches this one never crossed my mind!  I mean seriously don't Mormons have like a hundred wives, worship aliens, try to convert everyone to their cult, and wear pioneer clothing??   To my surprise none of the crazy things I heard were true, instead I found that this Christ centered church is all about family and following God's plan as laid out by Jesus Christ through His ministry here on earth.  Instead I wear all the same clothes as everyone else, don't have any sister wives (though I could totally share laundry duty!), and happily live my life in the blessings of the Spirit. I have a ton of non LDS friends and family members and I am sure they can attest that I have never tried to convert them. Will I happily share what has helped me live such a joyous life- oh yeah baby!  Wouldn't you share with me if you had something amazing in your life??  But despite what many believe, Mormons strongly believe in allowing everyone to worship as they see fit- we are just happy that we all have the free agency to make those choices on our own.

While I don't pretend to think that my blog will interest anyone, I hope that it will serve as a record of my thoughts, feelings, experiences and faith for my kids someday.  If you aren't my kids and are reading this blog... enjoy!

For more information on the church feel free to visit the official church website: www.lds.org or mormon.org

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