Thursday, July 19, 2012

Girls Already...

So a few days ago my sister shares with me a few text messages on my nephew's phone from my twelve year old son. Mind you he just turned 12 in May, so he is barely 12 and he is my baby. The texts were asking my 15 year old nephew for advice on what to tell a girl that was asking my son out.


He's only 12 and since when do girls ask guys out??? Luckily my nephew did a great job and supported my son well. In the texts they exchanged that my son isn't allowed to date until he is 16(Phew, at least they remembered something), and that my son didn't want to be mean to the girl, but he just wasn't interested. I think they decided on something like it was against his religion to date so young. Which made me chuckle, because he's playing the crazy Mormon card at such a young age. By the way it isn't actually against his religion to date, but it is strongly suggested by youth leaders to the kids that they wait. The final message from my son said something like- "Great, now she hates my guts"- and my nephew's response was, "Sorry."

After I got over the fact that I was shocked about a girl asking my son out over text messages at such a young age, and the fact that he didn't tell me anything about it (I think that was the worst part). I was proud of the boys for making the right decision and following the guidance we had provided. But, being a mother I can't just leave it alone- oh heck no- and since my husbands first response when I told him was, "What a little stud," I can't count on him to guide my son. (Guys never grow up do they!)

So, I called my son to my room and told him that we needed to sit down and have a conversation about girls and our expectations about dating. He was to say the least, less than pleased. He was quite obviously embarrassed, and made it clear that he didn't want to talk to his mother about this, but toooo bad. I told him that there was nothing to worry about, that I just felt it necessary to share with him my thoughts and expectations for him so that there would be no confusion. I have a bit more praying to do for guidance on how to handle this talk, but I will let you know how the talk went later. Good thing my kids don't know about this blog yet- my son would be even more embarrassed and angry with me for sharing. In the meantime, I think I am going to buy my nephew an ice-cream for being such a good cousin!

For our talk I might start with a video like this one- what do you think?

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