Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Theme Park Mania

My cousins have been visiting from Oregon and it has been crazzyy!  I love when they visit but it is definitely like a whirlwind of activity.   I admire their ability to just go, go, go- non-stop.  I am sure that when they get home, they need a vacation from their vacation.   This time we spent two days in the Magic Kingdom, you know the, "happiest place on earth."  One day from 7am to midnight at Disneyland and the next from 7am to 11pm at California Adventure.  I must say that the my cousins definitely have a system down-from  fast passes and strategic line choices  to where they want to eat and how to maneuver around the crowds.  Having a plan does make the day much more memorable.  I can't say that I blame them because the cost of a ticket is outrageous and the lines are soooooo long.   If I had to pay that price, I would definitely want to get every penny's worth of rides in.  My family and I are season ticket holders so we generally go for short visits and gravitate to our favorite rides or shows.  My hubby and I use it for date night because we just enjoy the ambiance especially around the holidays.   We can enjoy dinner together and people watch. Sometimes we splurge on an ice-cream or churro even though they aren't on our diet plan.  I've convinced myself that all of the walking zero's out my giant calorie splurge.  I know that it would take many trips at a high rate of speed around the park to actually make a difference, but I have chosen to live in ignorant bliss. . .

So this time it was even more crazy because Cars Land has only been open for a  month or so and the people are just pouring in.   I must congratulate Disney on creating such buzz about California Adventure.  I have always enjoyed walking around the CA park because they so cleverly created themed streets like old Hollywood and wine country.   It is nice to soar over California every once in a while and see just how majestic this state really is, but it has been a bit of a ghost town  and not the real draw Disney had hoped for. Now that Cars Land has been added I was truly impressed, it is just like you walk into the movie and down the main street of Radiator Springs.   I didn't take the time to wait in the lines for the rides, but simply enjoyed sauntering down the street through the crowds.  Yes crowds, there were crowds everywhere in California Adventure, my quiet hangout has become one giant mob of people.  Unfortunately, my hubby who  loves to go on every ride, had to hang back with me this time because of his back. He is still suffering from back pain and simply can't do the things he loves.   I wish the doctors could fix him!

We finished off our family visit at Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour in Brea.   Talk about an experience!!  I have one suggestion for anyone planning their visit- EAR PLUGS.   Farrell's was louder than Disneyland and California Adventure and just as crowded, but who can pass up an opportunity to make a pig out of themselves by eating a dessert called the pig troth, or Mount Saint Helen's.   Though no one was hungry after Farrell's we returned home to enjoy a classic Disney movie- Mary Poppins in our outdoor theater complete with popcorn machine and all.    All in all their visit was super fun and exciting,  we are sad to see them go but we know that families are forever so our time together doesn't have to end.   Thanks to Heavenly Father's plan families can be sealed together for all time and eternity and not just till death do us part.  Check out this video to see more...

Increase your understanding of the Lord's purpose for families and of the blessings He makes available to them. Visit http://mormon.org/family/ to learn more.

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