Saturday, July 21, 2012

Spring Cleaning?

So is it still called spring cleaning when it isn't spring? I dont't know the answer, but I love knowing that everything in my house has been deep cleaned.  We spent all day yesterday scrubbing walls and shampooing carpets.

Right now I am renting a house and it has white walls and white cabinents and light carpets and I will NEVER ever have white walls again. I feel like the cleaning nazi all the time. It seems as though all I do all day is chase down children reminding them to pick up their stuff.

My house is always full of kids. Whether it's the neighborhood hang out or one of the six kids that live in my home (Laura is 21 so I guess she is not officially a kid anymore, but since she is absolutely no help on the cleaning front she is one of the kids in my book) Don't get me wrong,I love having the kids around-I've always wanted a big family and I even enjoy teenagers most of the time- but it is difficult when they aren't actually your kids.

I tried to start off with a plan when my brother-in-law and his three kids moved in. I created a chore chart and a system for laundry, etc.  For the most part it works except teenagers never do their chores or actually finish their laundry on their own.  I need an app that shuts off all electronic devices when it's time to switch the laundry, another one that forces them to actually put the laundry away and don't get me started on bathrooms.

So my real dilemma is how much do I enforce things and how much do I let slide? How much do I say something to the kids and how much do I leave up to to their dad?  All I know for sure is that I really want to try to keep my house clean and peaceful at the same time, but is thay acual possible with 9 people living in the same house?

For those of you are following my blog-here's an update on a few things-still haven't spoken to my 12 year old about girls because we have been focusing on his talk on humility-kind of fits doesn't it? And I'm still reading my Book of Mormon daily. I am in second Nephi and it is shring the prophesies of Isaiah. If you have ever read Isaiah then you know that it is really complicated in that it prophesies about Isaiah's time, Jesus' life, and the second coming simultaneously. It is a slow read, but I have the institute study guide and that really helps especially with the history of the region.  You can get your own copy from deseret book. Here is the link

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