Thursday, July 19, 2012

Who Will Meet the Challenge?

The other night at Family Home Evening, my brother-in-law made a compelling challenge to the kids in the family.  He challenged them to read all 531 pages of the Book of Mormon by the end of summer.  Not only did he make the challenge, but he offered one hundred dollars to each of them when they finish and can prove through a question and answer session that they successfully completed the challenge.

Being a parent can be difficult, but one thing I know is that reading the Scriptures daily will bring many blessings into my kids lives.  So I am going to lead  by example and take the challenge and read my Book of Mormon before the end of the summer.   I have already read the first 80 pages and am off to a good start.  It is so interesting that every time I read my scriptures it is like reading them for the first time.  I always find something new that helps me increase my understanding and adds to my testimony.

This time I found a passage that I completely related to in 2 Nephi 1:17.  In this passage Lehi is sharing his concern for his children.  In it he says: " My heart hath been weighed down with sorrow from time to time, for I have feared, lest for the hardness of your hearts the Lord your God should come out in the fullness of His wrath upon you, that ye be cut off and destroyed forever."

I completely relate to Lehi in his concerns.  I worry about my children and their decisions.  I especially worry about my eldest daughter who is sooo lost.  My heart aches often for her.  I wish that she could see the error in her ways and know in her heart that Heavenly Father loves her, but she refuses.  She won't even acknowledge the presence of a higher being above herself.  It is just awful to watch her live her life so unhappy and so without purpose.  I know that I failed as a mother to raise her in the church, I failed to share my testimony with her and to guide her to develop her own testimony.  I pray every night that her heart will be softened and she will find her way back to our Heavenly Father's love, but I fear that I pray in vain, that she is too far gone.  I worry for her salvation and desire nothing more than to have her with her family forever.  Like Heavenly Father never gives up on me, I will never give up on her.

So, I will join in with the other five children in this house and take my brother-in-law's challenge to read the entire Book of Mormon before the summer ends. (even though I know I don't get any money)  We will see which of the other 5 children meet the challenge and get the extra blessing of a few dollars in their pocket as well...

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