Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fun Visit

My husband's friend from, "back in the day" and her sons have been visiting this week. It really has been a great experience, not only is she super nice, but her three boys and my two boys are getting along perfectly. It is working out so well. Just being around her makes me really admire the military wives all around the world.  She is a great mother and has to care for her children, run her household, and devote her spare time to church, Relief Society and the scouting organization all while her husband travels bravely into combat.  Everytime I hear someone complain about life here in the US of A, I want them to live just a few days in the lives of the brave families making sacrifices everyday so the rest of us can enjoy our freedom.  We all need to remember that freedom isn't free!

I love this country and the freedoms we have been afforded by our precious Constitution. When it comes time for us to vote in November we all need to take that opportunity very seriously and research the measures and candidates carefully.  We need to think beyond our own needs and cosider the needs of the many citizens of this country.  By this I mean that we need to do what is best for the long term, not just what is easiest.  It is very admirable to want to take care of everyone and I understand the desire because I am a natural caretaker, but we also need to give people the opportunity to take care of themselves.  I don't know about you, but I would much rather have the ability  to care for my family than for someone to hand me something.  It goes back to the old addage of if you give a man a fish you feed him for one day, but if you teach him to fish, you feed him for life.  Let's give everyone their pride and autonomy back by allowing them to care for themselves. We can feed them their fish and then teach them to fish so they don't need our fish anymore, but can gather their own. I trust people to make their own choices and determine their own wants and needs, and it would be great if our government would do the same.  It is like I teach the kids in Sunday School- it is only through their own works and deeds that they can achieve celestial glory. Same goes for anything in life, it is only through work that goals can bs achieved.

Thank you again to the military families that sacrifice everyday for my freedom to say these things!

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