Friday, October 12, 2012

Change is Good- Service is Great!

So it has been quite some time since I have blogged, but there is good reason.  I had several rounds of interviews with the district and I got the job!  I am so excited and overwhelmed all at the same time.  I began working immediately after my interviews and haven't stopped since.  It has been quite a whirlwind of events. I have a steep learning curve, but I believe that I can do this because I firmly believe this was meant to be.  It is just one of those things where you pray and get an answer.  I prayed and prayed about this career move because I just wasn't sure if it was the right time and right path.  I prayed that Heavenly Father would guide me down the right path and that no matter what I would make my family proud.  Recently when I had a moment to look back and reflect on the changes in my life, I was reassured that I am on the right path and my Heavenly Father has helped me get here.

To be honest, life hasn't been easy.  My new job is quite difficult and requires much of my time. At the same time, my boys are both at new schools in 7th and 9th grade. It has just been non-stop changes around this house. My brother-in-law and his three kids are still living with us and that is always difficult.  My hubby struggles with the many challenges that come with sharing our home with another family.The kids struggle with sharing and getting used to the many nuances and idiosyncrasies of the many people living under one roof.  I seem to be the only one really enjoying this, but because I hear from everyone about the many complaints and concerns, it really takes away my joy.  In a rather heated discussion my husband and I were arguing about money (a constant battle), and how we are not on the path that we were on before his brother and children moved in. I agree we are not on the path of  our plan and we have all but depleted our savings taking on the care of so many people, but when I really look at it, we are not struggling. No we are just making it.  While I do wish we were more than just making it, I am also amazed at how we have just managed to get by every month with  everything that we need.

I know that this is truly due to two things- first I pay tithing faithfully every month and believe that Heavenly Father blesses me for that. I have a strong testimony of tithing and know that more than a few times I paid my tithing knowing that I didn't have enough money to cover the bills and every time, somehow things work out. The second reason I think things work out is because we are doing what Jesus would do.  He taught us to love our neighbors and take care of those in need, and that is exactly what we are doing by having family live with us.  Despite that difficulties of merging two families together, it is a great experience to be a family together.  It gives us all opportunities to serve each other and to grow in that service. We offer each other stability and help each other develop our patience and compromise skills.  Instead of everything being all about us, we must think of others and consider them before we act.  It is a great lesson.

So how does this relate to me being on the right path in my career?  I think that Heavenly Father is blessing my family with good health and fortune for our choosing to take care of others.  So I am not worried about money, I know that Heavenly Father will provide a way for us to get back on track with our savings and protect us from any emergencies while we work to get to where we need to be.  He takes care of His children and blesses those who take care of His children as well.  So to sum up, I have a new job, my family is much larger now, I am broke and I have never felt so blessed.  I only hope that I can  be an example for my family so that we can all be as Christ-like as possible.

Here is a great video about serving others as Christ has demonstrated for us:

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