Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Token Mormon Friend

I have many friends who aren't Mormon like me. It seems that more and more often I am being asked questions related to my faith. A very dear friend of mine said to me last night, "I often wonder how it is that my friend who I consider so smart and respect so much can believe these outrageous things that I hear about the Mormon church?" My response to her was simple, "then just ask me." At work every time a student, or family, or community member turns out to be Mormon I am looked to as the expert. Everything I do and the other Mormons around are doing is being watched very closely and often being seen as the Mormon way.

So, while I never take offense to being asked questions about my faith, I am very concerned that as the token Mormon person in so many people's lives- am I being a good representative of my faith? Would Heavenly Father choose me as His representative?

It is very similar to the conversation I had with my often all too single minded husband earlier this week. I was sharing that as American's we have a tendency to over generalize our thoughts of a whole group of people based on a small singular experience with only one or two people who can be connected with that group. I try very hard to understand that while collectively people may share a basic set of beliefs, each person is still very much an individual and shouldn't be judged based upon the actions of others. For example, let's look at me as a Mormon. I believe very strongly in the existence of my Heavenly Father and in the teachings of my church, but I also can appear very contrary to the teachings of my church. For one, I have six tattoo's. While I don't actively encourage anyone to get tattoo's, I also don't mind them. I am a convert and would not have gotten a tattoo after joining the church, but I also don't mind that I have them.

So my thoughts are these:

1. I will do my best to represent my Heavenly Father in the best way I can and hope that I make Him proud.

2. I will do my best to remember that everyone is an individual and will try to restrict judgement

3. I will encourage others to try to remember that same idea.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Life Is Worth Living!

I often ponder my life and choices as I travel alone in my car. It is interesting how a simple task such as traveling to and from work can lead me to ponder deep thoughts. I usually begin by trying to set my mood for the day by listening to church music. There is one particular piece that is performed with bag pipes that is especially inspirational. Even if the song isn't over when I arrive at my destination I sit in my car and just take in every note. It is guaranteed to put me in a good mood for the day. While I am listening I start thinking about my Heavenly Father and all of the many decisions I have made recently and those that are weighing heavy on my heart because I am not sure what to do. Almost always I find myself sitting in my car in the driveway deep in prayer, seeking guidance. I feel the comfort of my savior and know that God is listening to me and ready to support me in any way He can.

Recently, I was just in that same situation, sitting in my car in the driveway wondering how I am going to make it through the day. I am just feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with all of the things I must complete. I start feeling like a terrible mother because my boys aren't doing great in school and they always seem to be fighting with each other. My daughter is angry and wants nothing to do with church or anything to do with faith for that matter. I feel like a terrible wife because I can't seem to make my husband happy, and the list can go on and on. I know that when I walk through that door I can't show any of this weakness because I have to be happy and be strong no matter what. I share love with everyone I meet and on this day I was feeling so alone and like I had nothing left to give. I began to wonder if it was all worth it, how easy it would be to just walk away and not deal with anything, but immediately I had this warm feeling come over me and I began to cry. I knew that I want nothing more than to be with my family and that I have a promise from my Heavenly Father that though I will have trials and tribulations in my life, that If I pray and reflect on them I will learn from each trial and will never be given more than I can handle.

At that very moment my son happened to walk outside and gave me a giant smile. He came to the car and offered to carry my bags for me, saying " do you need help mom?" I know that it isn't a coincidence that he happened outside right at my moment of weakness, I know that the feeling of comfort that came over me was my Heavenly Father sending the Holy Spirit to comfort me and to remind me that I am not alone. I don't have to do it all by myself and though I do have obligations to my family and need to care for them, that they also care for me. Then to top it all off, I received a letter in the mail from my relief society president and dear friend that absolutely brightened my day. I don't know how she knew that I would need that pick me up, and she may never know just how much her kind words mean in my life, but they really did remind me that i am loved by my Father in heaven, family and my ward family. I know that life is great, even when it seems to suck. I know that my Heavenly Father will always care for me and provide me with a way to make it through those tough days.life is worth living because it is all part of the plan of happiness and I am on the path to my heavenly home.